MSC get Serious...
MSC Grandiosa was launched last November and is currently sailing at 70% capacity
Following our previous post its been reassuring to see that MSC Cruises are definitely taking a zero tolerance approach to rule breaking their first post-Covid Cruise which left Genoa two days ago. Following its first port call to Naples, MSC have denied boarding to a family who left the ‘bubble’ of an MSC an organised shore excursion in contravention of its strict new health protocols.
Happy passengers ready to board in Genoa
MSC are only allowing cruisers to leave the ship to travel with an organised MSC Excursion - apparently these are included in the cruise price at different levels across the four cabin levels; from one excursions included in a Bella fare, 2 for Fantastica, 3 for Aurea & a tour in all four ports for Yacht Club guests. Other excursions are also available to purchase, apparently at reduced prices.
Vesuvius, seen here from the port of Naples, is a popular excursion from Naples.
A MSC spokeswoman said “In line with our health and safety protocol, developed to ensure health and wellbeing of our guests, crew and communities we visit, we had to deny boarding to a family who broke from their shore excursion yesterday while visiting Naples, Italy. By departing from the organised shore excursion, this family broke from the safe ‘social bubble’ that MSC Cruises created for them to safely enjoy their visit ashore, and therefore could not be permitted to reboard the ship.” Following this violation the ship continued her journey, arriving in Palermo, Italy on today - the second port on her seven-night roundtrip cruise from Genoa - where presumably everyone has stuck to the rules.
Not all of Naples is picturesque and at present some areas are probably best avoided as a tourist.
Grandiosa is currently operating the first cruise under the new protocols and MSC Cruises made it clear to all those joining the ship that the only way to disembark in a given port would be on an MSC organised shore excursion. “This allows MSC Cruises to uphold the same high standard of health and safety as on board,” the representative went on to say. “This includes ensuring that transfers are properly sanitised and that there is adequate space for social distancing. Tour guides and drivers also undergo health screenings and wear appropriate personal protective equipment.”
Other safety protocols for those joining the cruise include improved sanitation procedures onboard, a pre - boarding health questionnaire, contactless booking via the MSC for Me wristband app and daily temperature checks. MSC denied boarding to five other passengers hoping to board at Naples following a screening - a second test showed that they were clear but it was not in time for them to depart with the ship - they are able to join in Palermo if they wish.
MSC staff and Crew have worked really hard to make this a success
portExplore is absolutely committed to the idea that the best way to experience a port and a country is to get off and actually experience it - normally we are completely opposed to seeing a country through the plastic bubble of an expensive, organised shore excursion BUT we understand exactly why MSC have done this and COMPLETELY support them in their endeavours to get us all back cruising again. After all the alternative isn’t so bad, stay on board, have a fake sea day - enjoy the empty pools or the spa and make full use of your drinks package !
Stay on board and make the most of an empty pool!
The bottom line is that there will be changes to what we all expect over the next few months but unless everyone sticks to the rules, made to keep everyone safe, then none of us will be back cruising in the near future!
The eyes of the world are on MSC and we’re giving them 10/10 for effort so far!
Well done MSC - you’re doing a wonderful job - keep it up & hopefully we can all be back onboard soon!
Welcome to MSC!